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Farewell followers!

By Gabby Storey **Website no longer updated as of 1 January 2023. All enquiries to Dr Gabrielle Storey.** When we originally started this project in the winter of 2020, we had no idea what the response would be on social media and usage of the website itself. Our main aim at the outset of the…

Emma of Normandy: A Resilient Queen

By Brandon M. Bender Emma of Normandy has not received nearly as much attention as she deserves. She lived through the reigns of seven kings of England; some chose to work with her and some against her, but she was never permanently removed from the political sphere. Emma’s career could have ended on several occasions,…

Mary II and Queen Anne: The Representations of Two Sisters

By Imogen Haywood Born in 1662 and 1665, respectively, Mary II and Queen Anne were the only surviving children of James Duke of York (later James II/VII) and his first wife Anne Hyde. Their father married a Catholic, Mary of Modena, in 1673, confirming publicly his own religious beliefs. This placed him in conflict with…

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